Saturday, July 11, 2015

Reset your passion!

I'ts been a long time since I started doing computer graphics. I was pretty young when I created my first Star Wars shot with a digital lightsaber effect. It was simple but it was a surprise for my family.

After seeing "A bug's life" by Pixar, I decided to start making CGI just for fun, but then after years I realized that I was what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. There was a time where I wanted to be a director too, because of my interest of beeing part of a real movie set, working in the cool side behind the camera, where nobody knows what's going on, or what does it takes to make what you see in the movie. That's why I decided to be who I am today. An animator was a job that I choosed because it makes you the director, camera-man and actor of your shot, even though the real director is not you, and the final decision goes to him. It's an amazing job but sometimes it can also be frustrating.

Thanks to studying at, I found freelance jobs at a studio in Naples and also the job i have now in another studio. But the thing is pretty simple. It can happen that oneday you wake up and you say to yourself:"I'm not happy with what I do", and you do it with no passion anymore and also you do not work properly...

If you want to know more about what I mean you can see a Video Journal that I'm about to post.

Thanks again for following!