Sunday, July 5, 2015

Divine Plan

How many time we think that something lasts forever? Well the hard thing to know is that "really" nothing lasts forever. It can be a situation, a person or your job, friends, and sometimes you try to think and understand how all this happend.
I want to believe that it's all about normal. I mean that, I believe in a a wonderful divine plan made just for each one of us that can only bring us to full and eternal joy.

Think about this: For example, you live in your town/city with your family, friends and maybe a girlfriend/boyfriend and let's also a little job. I think that with all this things in your hand, you'll never think about leaving your home, am I right? So let's say that in less than what you can imagine, you lose your friends, some of your loves, you get some disappointment all around and you start thinking about changing air. This is what I think about life.

"If you are ment for something and you have faith, you'll get there in a way on another."

Let's say that I want to think that God know what it's good for you and will also know how to bring you there, for your joy, real joy.

I'll be having an important phone call next Sunday that can maybe change my life in a way or another. I'll let you know more about it soon.

Thanks again for being a follower!