Thursday, July 23, 2015

Are you alone? YOU'RE NOT!

Have you ever had the feeling that you were just someone to who ask favours, helps, or maybe also vent bullying because of your timid and sensible personality,and then been left alone in your problems, situations without nobody that would help you in yours? If that's so, then this post is for you!

Maybe you've been so lonely in your life because of your sensibility, because of bullying or whatever. You are not the only one. If you had been seeing me in the Video Journal page of the blog, nobody would say that I've been suffering all this things in my life and not only.

'Till the end of the first year of highschool I was the 2° person who had bullying problems in class, and this was a critical thing for me. I never had the kind of people I wanted around, I always felt out of place in many things of life. The problem was that nobody really helped me much in getting out of it. A great problem had also been the family separation between my parents. I'ts not an easy thing to exceed.

I never understood why I was so different between other people of my age. But what I came out with is very simple: I am not them and they'll never be me.

The reason of why many people act as bullying with other more streinghtless is because they are insicure of themself, they "need" to show their power to the world and act it to who will let them always win. But believe or not: You are stronger!

That's right! You are stronger. It doesn't mean that if you're a good person and you help other people, you are going to be tapped and then left alone. Maybe you'll find someone who will understand your feelings and love you for who you are all and for all. But if that didn't happen it doens't means it's never going to.

I can realize that in life, before going to church, I went out with many girls, some of them very pretty! And when I got into Church I decided to not be a "playboy"anymore but do things in a serious way. That's how I found a girl with whom I felt in love and who had me as her first boyfriend in life ( and she was desidered by more than on person)....and she chosed ME.

You see? In life you can never know when and how things are going to change, but have just faith, because they are about to change, you just need to believe.
